Friday, April 18, 2008

Heirloom Treasures

I recently discovered Rancho Gordo. These colorful heirloom treasures take beans to a whole new level. I tried them first at Restaurant ZuZu in downtown Napa. A savory concoction of sausage and lima beans that left me hankering for more.

I went online and found that I could buy beans to my heart’s content directly from Ranch Gordo.
I’ve now discovered a new world of beans with fabulous names like Red Nightfall Bean and Good Mother Stallard Beans. Rancho Gordo also sells herbs, spices and a great chile powder. And if you are confused about what to do once you have a bag of their dried beans in your hand, they have great instructions and recipes on their web site. Check them out online at

Written by Linzi

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